Myecon Testimonials - YouTube




$39.95 TO JOIN.  EARN $5,000


AND $11,000 PER MONTH. 




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Please select the following link to watch and listen to a recorded audio reading of this website.  The date of the recording is Monday January 1, 2024.


Everyone can use this webinar and website for training.  Please contact your sponsor and join with your sponsor.  No experience necessary.  You already know how to use your cell phone.  Work from home.  No license required.  No background check.  No test to take.  No high school diploma.  No college degree.  The Internet is a level playing field for everyone.  Everyone is accepted. 


My name is Ostell Hodges Jr.  You can call me OJ for Ostell JR.  I am a retired real estate broker.  That is me in the upper right corner of your screen.  I live in Atlanta Ga in south Fulton county.  I graduated from the Fort Valley State University in Fort Valley GA with a bachelor of science degree in mathematics. 


I am also an Independent Marketing Associate of MyEcon located in Snellville GA.  Now that is enough about me.  You are here to learn how you can join MyEcon and use money to make money.  There is nothing wrong with using hours to make money.  You know work 8 hours and get paid $20 per hour.


You can also use money to make money.  You can use $39.95 to join MyEcon.  Then sign up 4 people to join MyEcon in your first 2 days.  Then you can earn $5,000 on the Internet in 10 days as your 4 people do the same, and so on.  You can get paid every week.  Then you can use $39.95 per month to make $11,000 per month on the Internet.


The price of almost everything is going up fast.  So people need to earn more money fast.  Please stay tuned.  You will learn how you can use money to make money. 




In any business, sales must be made.  A product or service must be sold.  MyEcon is a home based business network marketing business opportunity.  Network marketing on the Internet is when you join a company as a member.  Then you can buy and sell the company’s product or service online for a commission.   


Network marketing is a 180 billion dollar per year global industry.  MyEcon and network marketing provides you with the opportunity to use money to make money.


According to Google, network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry.  In fact, 20 percent of all millionaires in the world made their fortune in the Network Marketing industry.  Network marketing has also made more women millionaires than any other industry.  Additionally, network marketing is one of the few industries where there is little to no gender pay disparity.


This opportunity is also about the 275 billion dollar per year global E-Learning industry.  E-learning or electronic learning is the delivery of learning and training through digital sources. 


According to Google, there are more than 258 million adults in the United States.  If you are like most of them, you would like to have more money.  So let’s join together and help each other earn some really BIG TIME MONEY very fast right here on the Internet in network marketing. 



MyEcon is short for my economy.  This is about your economy.  MyEcon has been in business for 18 years.  MyEcon is located at 2750 Hewatt Court Suite E Snellville GA 30039.  Snellville is located in Gwinnett County metro Atlanta. 


The phone number is 678-619-4929.  The fax number is 770-558-3941.  You can call Monday through Thursday 10 AM to 7 PM and Friday 11 AM to 6 PM EST.  So, you see this is a real company with a real address and real phone numbers.


Please select the following links and watch 2 short video testimonials about MyEcon.


Mr. Larry W. Gates is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of MyEcon.  He lives in metro Atlanta, GA.



Mr. Larry W. Gates II


The Co-Founders of MyEcon are Mr. Ivey Stokes and Mr. Alvin Curry.  Both of them are millionaires in the network marketing industry.  They live in metro Atlanta, GA.


Image result for ivey stokes images

Mr. Ivey Stokes


myEcon Inc: Contact Details and Business Profile

Mr. Alvin Curry


MyEcon is in the business of selling memberships.  The cost of the MyEcon Membership is $39.95 down and $39.95 per month.


The membership consists of the following 6 services.

1.  Correct Tax Withholding video training

2.  Debt Elimination Calculator

3.  Cash Flow Manager App

4.  My Credit System – Clean up your credit and increase your credit score

5.  Investment Education 

6.  The opportunity to earn a great income in network marketing.


In addition to the 6 services above, you will learn about 3 important financial strategies that are very important to Your Economy.


1.  Save ten percent or more of any money you receive for yourself so you will never be broke.


2.  Start a home based business.  You can earn money and save on taxes by having a home based business.  MyEcon is a good home based business to start.


3.  Purchase some Income Producing Assets for yourself so your money can work for you. 


An Income Producing Asset is something you buy that will make money for you every month without you touching it again.  Like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, 401K, real estate and so on.  A large number of people have never done that.


For more information about MyEcon and the membership, please select the following link to the MyEcon company website. 


Study the website.  Be sure to watch the Opportunity Video on the website. Here is another link to the opportunity video.




USE $39.95 TO MAKE $5,000 IN 10 DAYS

Please select the following link to see the MyEcon compensation plan PDF.


According to the compensation plan PDF, when you join MyEcon by buying the $39.95 membership, your first title will be Executive Vice President (EVP). 


You can earn money by signing up others to join.  You earn $28 for each person you sign up to buy the $39.95 Membership.  You can also earn money when they sign up others to join, and so on. 


Your MyEcon sales organization consists of the people you sign up, the people they sign up and so on.  When you personally sign up 2 people, you are promoted from EVP to EVP Gold.  As an EVP Gold, you earn 40 cents for each person who joins your sales organization that week not sponsored by you.


When your organization has 12 members, you are promoted from EVP Gold to EVP Platinum.  As an EVP Platinum, you earn $1.20 for each person who joins your sales organization that week not sponsored by you.


Now ladies and gentlemen I know 40 cents and $1.20 is not a lot of money.  Please stay tuned.  You will see as the number of members in your sales organization increase, your money will also increase.


When your sales organization has 100 members, you are promoted from EVP Platinum to EVP Infinity.  As an EVP Infinity, you earn $4.00 for each person who joins your sales organization that week not sponsored by you.


Suppose you and everyone in your sales organization sign up 4 people to join in their first 2 days.  Then 5 levels or 5 generations (Gen) of your sales organization can be completed in 10 days.


Your first generation is the people you personally sign up.  Your second generation is the people signed up by your first generation.  Your third generation is the people signed up by your second generation, and so on.


IN 2 DAYS - Gen 1.  You sign up 4 people in your first 2 days.  You earn 4 X $28 = $112.  You are promoted from EVP to EVP Gold. 


IN 2 DAYS - Gen 2.  Your 4 will do the same thing you did.  That is, sign up 4 people in their first 2 days.  You earn 4 X 4 = 16 X $.40 = $6.40.  You are promoted from EVP Gold to EVP Platinum. 


IN 2 DAYS - Gen 3.  Those 16 will do the same thing you did.  That is, sign up 4 people in their first 2 days.  You earn 16 X 4 = 64 X $1.20 = $76.80.  


IN 2 DAYS - Gen 4.  Those 64 will do the same thing you did.  That is, sign up 4 people in their first 2 days.  You earn 64 X 4 = 256 X $4.00 = $1,024.  You are promoted from EVP Platinum to EVP Infinity. 


IN 2 DAYS - Gen 5.  Those 256 will do the same thing you did.  That is, sign up 4 people in their first 2 days.  You earn 256 X 4 = 1,024 X $4.00 = $4,096.


So, in 10 DAYS and 5 generations, you could have 4 + 16 + 64 + 256 + 1,024 = 1,364 members in your sales organization.  You could have earned $112 + $6.40 + $76.80 + $1,024+ $4,096 = $5,315.20.


Your sales organization could continue to grow past your fifth generation to infinity.  You could earn even more money after you are promoted from EVP Infinity to the EVP CEO.  Please see the compensation plan documents in your back office under commissions.


The weekly commissions pay period begin at 12:01 AM EST each Saturday and ends at 12 PM midnight EST each Friday.  Commissions are paid on the Friday following the week the sales were made.  You could get paid every week.





You could also receive monthly dream team residual commissions.  Monthly dream team residual commissions are created when members make their monthly payment of $39.95.  If you are an EVP Infinity you will receive $8.50 per month for each member in your sales organization. 


Since your sales organization could have 1,364 members in it, you could receive 1,364 X $8.5 = $11,594 per month in dream team residual commissions.  That is 12 X $11,594 = $139,128 per year.


The monthly commissions are paid on the second Friday of the month following the month the membership fees were paid.  You could get paid every month.


You can personally sign up more than 4 people.  The amount of money you can earn with this opportunity is staggering.  There are no guarantees.  The amount of money you earn depends on you and your sales organization. 


Your MyEcon home based business can be willed to your family.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could will a home based business to your family that produces $11,000 or more per month?   




Please select the following link and watch 19 MyEcon testimonials.  28 minutes.




After you join MyEcon, you can join the MyEcon Facebook group. 


MyEcon YouTube Channel



We have live webinars, meetings and calls.  Check your back office for schedules and more information.



If you would like to join, please go to the text message you received from your sponsor.  Select your sponsor’s MyEcon website address.  Select – Join Now.  Make sure you see your sponsor’s name.  Fill in the form.  Your username is case sensitive.  So do not use capital letters.  


This opportunity is available in the United States and some United States territories.  Check the drop down menu for state on the sign up form.


Type your initials in the box for $39.95.  Follow the instructions to pay $39.95 down and $39.95 per month starting next month for your membership. 


You can use Visa, Master Card, Discover card or American Express Card.  You will have your own MyEcon affiliate website.  Your website address will be your




Your sponsor can help you set up your back office.  Please select the following link to log into your back office. 


Use your username and password to log in.  Watch the Financial Success Membership video.  Then select hide intro to hide the video and highlight your back office.  Scroll down and watch the Business Management Center Overview video.


A.  In the back office menu, select my account.  Under – my commission – select form W-9.  Select create my form w-9.  Fill in the form.  Select individual/sole proprietor or single - member LLC.  Submit your form. 


B.  In the back office menu, select my account.  Under – my commission – select direct deposit.  Follow the instructions to get set up so you can get paid.


C.  In the back office menu, select my account.  Under – my website – select upload photo.  Upload a picture of yourself if you want to.  Your picture will appear on the front page of your MyEcon affiliate website.


D.  In the back office menu, select my account.  Under – my website – select manage enrollment options.  Select the financial success membership you want your prospects to buy.  Select save changes.


Study your entire back office.  Select the links.  Watch the videos.




You can type the following text message into your phone.  Replace the first blank space with your username for MyEcon.  Replace the remaining 2 blank spaces with your name and your cell number.  Then send your text message to yourself.  Make sure the 3 links are working properly. 


MyEcon Home Based

Business. Use Money

to Make Money. $39.95

to Join. Earn $5,000 on

the Internet in10 days

and $11,000 per month.

Get paid every week.




Link to webinar website


My MyEcon Website

Select Join Now


My name is


My cell number


Thank you




Call a number of people you know until you sign up 4 of them to join MyEcon.  When you call them you could say:  Hello.  May I send you a text message? 


The text message will show how you can use money to make money.  You can use $39.95 to make $5,000 on the Internet in 10 days.  Then you can use $39.95 per month to make $11,000 per month on the Internet.  May I text it to you right now?  OK.

Thank you very much.



Then send your text message to the people you call until you sign up 4 or more of them to join MyEcon.  Your text message will direct them to this webinar and to this website for training.  It will also direct them to your MyEcon website.  They can join MyEcon in your sales organization.  You will get paid.





Please call your sponsor.  He or she will answer your questions and help you get signed up.  The cost to join is $39.95 down and $39.95 per month. 


Call your sponsor and set up a time to meet.  You can meet on a cell phone call, cell phone video call like FaceTime, Google Meet or Zoom.  You can also meet at Starbucks or wherever.


After you sign up, then sign up 4 people in your first 2 days.  Help your 4 people sign up 4 people in their first 2 days.  They will do the same, and so on.


Then you can earn $5,000 on the Internet in 10 days and $11,000 per month.  It should be easy to sign up people in your first 2 days since the cost to sign up is only $39.95.  You could get paid every week and every month. 


MyEcon has leveled the playing field.  You can now play in the game of financial freedom and win all of the time.  No experience necessary.  You already know how to use your cell phone.  Work from home.  No license required.  No background check.  No test to take.  No high school diploma.  No college degree.  The Internet is a level playing field for everyone.  Everyone is accepted.  


Everyone can use this webinar and website for training.  Please contact your sponsor and join with your sponsor.


There are more than 258 million adults in the United States.  Can you sign up 4 of them to join MyEcon in 2 days?  They will do the same, and so on.


You can earn some REALLY BIG TIME MONEY very fast right here on the Internet in network marketing.  This opportunity gives you a chance to use money to make money.  Again, there is nothing wrong with using hours to make money.  You can also use money to make money.


You can use $39.95 to make $5,000 on the Internet in 10 days.  Then you can use $39.95 per month to make $11,000 per month on the Internet.  Please call your sponsor.  Please get started today.